
2 years, 3 months, and 9 days.

829 days of anywhere from one to seven different medications for her Epilepsy that didn’t work.  For more than half of her life she has been taking medications and dealing with side effects.

But not today.  Today is her first day with no medication.

At the end of July, when we have her overnight EEG, we will finally find out if her Epileptologist’s theory is accurate.  If it is accurate, then we will get a really clear picture of her brain and be able to pinpoint exactly where her seizures are coming from and treat them directly.  If it isn’t accurate, then we go back to shooting in the dark with medication, keeping our fingers crossed that one will work.

But for now, we have almost 2 months of medication freedom!  We can go camping and not worry about keeping her compounded medication cold.  We can have lazy mornings without having to interrupt morning cuddles by dealing with medication.  She can have sleepovers, and have people babysit her, without us having to explain the medication process and dosages.  She can be a kid with no medication.

And with any luck, our pharmacists will even forget who we are. 😉

Getting the pool ready for her and Otto for the summer.

Practicing her obstacle course moves.  Watch out Ninja Warriors! 


  1. Lovie

    Now you will see the beast face to face, without distortion. I pray it’s exposed self leads to the key to it’s demise!! Nothing has ever been able to lessen the radiance of this incredible child!! Nothing ever will- she is simply AMAZING!!!

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