Graphs vs Emotions

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 – Graphing to be objective

Apparently, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and can be very emotionally driven when I get worked up about something.  When I get worked up, things tend to get blown out of proportion.  I have known this about myself since I was a kid, and realized the extreme of it during puberty, as most kids do.

Throughout Reagan’s past year and a half of Epilepsy, I have had times where I am only emotionally driven, with no logic or data to back me up.  Call it mother’s intuition, or just pure frustration, but those uncontrolled emotions would boil over to the point where I would be ready to call the doctors and demand some miraculous solution. At least, until Blake thankfully talked me off of the edge and back into realistic expectations.

Starting Keto, I decided that I would need hard, cold, raw data.  The only way to know objectively if it was working or not was to chart it all out, without the emotions.  Some weekends my emotions would tell me it was the best weekend ever, and it was working.  Other weekends, the world had crashed down and nothing was going to ever work.  But, at the end of the week, I would have my spreadsheets and my graphs, and I could see logically and objectively what was going on.

To date, based on all the data I have collected since she started Keto, her seizures have not gotten better.  In fact, on average, she has been having more per day than she did when she started her Magical Diet.

The next appointment with her Keto Specialists is in just over 3 weeks.  We will bring our graphs and our data, and be as objective as possible to determine what our next steps are.  Until then, we will keep doing what we are doing, with the hopes that it will magically start working.


Even through it all, she is still so happy and so smart and so talkative!  She’s amazing!


  1. Lovie

    This is what faith is- believing even if you don’t see the evidence. I have faith that an answer will come, that we will find the magic. Maybe Keto isn’t it – but it is out there. Maybe it’s time or “magic oil” or maturity. Keep the faith. I’ll keep praying and lighting candles and being here for the three of you. You guys just keep doing what you’re doing that makes her feel so loved and important and special. You are helping her grow up confident and happy and that will go further for her than anything else.
    All my love- all my life!!

  2. Kayla Rinehart

    I wish I had known about this blog sooner. That girl is exactly as strong as her parents are raising her to be. I dont know what will fix it, or what will be the solution, but what I do know is day in and day out, Reagan is one of the happiest, and most fulfilled children I’ve ever known. She simply could not have a stronger, more determined, and positive family to help her on this journey through epilepsy and life. Something will work, maybe not this, maybe not the next thing, but something will. In the meantime, there are so many smiles and laughs to be had and memories to be made and I promise each and every one of those will outnumber her episodes each day or the tears that are cried when the nights are quiet.

    She will keep pushing as long and as hard as you do. Even if there’s some tears and frustration sprinkled in.

    • JJB

      Thank you, Kayla! That means a lot. Reagan really is such an amazing kid. She is so incredibly loved!

      I should have told you all about it. Feel free to share it with others!

  3. Kiki

    Love is an incredibly powerful and healing thing – and she has an abundance of that; especially from Mommy and Daddy.
    WE are all here for you for all of the highs and lows – never feel alone and always use and lean on the community of love you have!

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