A year

February 26, 2017 – One year Anniversary from Epilepsy Diagnosis

It’s been a full year since Reagan was officially diagnosed with Epilepsy.  A year of so many tests; a year of so much heartache and hope, filled with seemingly unending tears, only stopped by pure strength, determination, and more support from the people in our lives than we ever could have imagined.  Even now, a year later, it seems unreal the year we have been through and the year that Reagan has completely dominated.

Reagan has become such an amazingly strong person over this past year.  She is so confident in herself, more so than most adults.  She is independent, and so sweet and caring and nurturing.  And she is so incredibly smart.  Every day she impresses and surprises us.

For Blake and I, the stress and raw emotions of this past year have tested us, more than we ever could have imagined they would have.  It has not only tested us emotionally and mentally as individuals, but has also tested our marriage.  There have been days where it felt like we had completely exhausted all of our communication skills and our patience  with each other.  There have been days where we couldn’t see the next day in front of us, days where we were lost in our own exhaustion and our own frustration in the lack of control over our family’s situation.  But then, through all that frustration, anger, stress, and tears, there they are.  The days where we see forever in front of us.  The days where we know that it is the three of us and regardless of what happens, it will be us together, and we will get through it all, and come out better and stronger.

People always tell us how strong we are and what amazing parents we are.  We are strong, but not by our own choosing.  We are strong because we have to be.  Strong is the only thing we can be; there is no other option for us or for Reagan.  But this ever growing strength isn’t created by us, it’s created by Reagan.  Every day she makes us stronger, better parents.  This year has pushed all three of us so far, and each time we felt like we were at our breaking point, we were pushed further.  There have been plenty of times where we did break, but we always rebounded, and we always came back stronger and better able to tackle what would come next.

I can’t imagine that the road ahead of us is an easy one.  Every time we think it will be easy, it ends up being that much harder.  But, regardless of how hard or trying it might get, it’s the three of us, and we can get through anything.


She has grown up so much over the past year!  February 2016 & February 2017 pictures.  


  1. Lovie

    My incredible Bienemanns- I am, as always, so very proud of all you’ve accomplished in the last year. You are blazing a trail you didn’t seek with such strength and determination. You are doing it and crushing it because of love- your love for each other and your love for Reagan. Love conquers all. It’ll prop you up when you are tired and will comfort you when stress threatens to break you. Love is everything. All you have to do is keep loving your family- keep fighting for the love that you’ve created. Family and love trumps all things. One look at who Reagan is and you have to know you will win this war. Nothing is more important than fighting for your family. The three of you are invincible!!! All my love- today and always!!

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